Hit a Growth Wall?
Your Business Can Climb Higher


As the CEO, you've built an 8 or 9-figure business with a strong team.
But now, profits are sagging and the bottom line won't budge.
Your numbers aren't stats; they're your dream's pulse. Right now, they're flashing red.

Pinpoint revenue leaks and rev up leads - keep your vision - change the game.

Shannon Murray-Doffo Fractional CMO


If your business is stuck, I can help.

Let's not only get you unstuck, but also take you beyond what you thought possible.

I bring 17 years of top-tier marketing expertise to the table. My track record? Helping Fortune 50 companies expand their reach, convert customers, and grow profits. Now, I do the same for 8-9 figure businesses like yours.

Want to outperform and outlast your competition? Your next move could be a game-changer. Let's talk.

Ready to Shift from Stuck to Unstoppable?

Our Process Foundations to Fixtures

When your business is falling down around you, you don’t just fix a few rotten boards and move on. You take it down to the studs to see where the real issues are hiding. And that’s precisely what we do here at FeGrowth Strategies!

We take a comprehensive, fully-integrated approach that goes way beyond just marketing! Our focus is on the BIG 3 - People, Processes, & Technology - the things that make or break your business.

We take a “bottom-up” approach putting systems and processes into place, so your business and marketing run more efficiently + effectively.

Asset 2

Surveying the Land

We need to first see what we are working with, identify holes that need filling, and troubleshoot any potential problems that've been overlooked. 


Defining the Big Goal

Where do you want to see your business in 5 years? 10?


Creating the Blueprint

Using insights from the audit, I'll help you craft a marketing strategy that connects all the dots.


Laying Brick

This is where I'm continuously testing what we put into place and relentlessly optimizing so we can go forward stronger than before.

The Functional Marketing Workflow

What Our Clients Say

Blaze F.
Blaze F.

7 Figure Flipping

Shannon was hired as a fractional CMO for 7 Figure flipping to help us overhaul our marketing efforts using a data based approach.  Shannon was an absolute pleasure to have on the team.  She was direct, candid, and intimately knew her numbers.  The rare times when she did not have an immediate answer, she acknowledged that, sourced it, and delivered it in a timely manner.  When our Director of Marketing needed to take a leave of absence, she stepped up and oversaw the team, allowing our business to continue to function as expected.  She helped reorganize the marketing department, creating new SOP’s and evaluating new KPI’s.  Perhaps most importantly, Shannon’s network of affiliates proved invaluable.  Shannon brought on several third party contractors who helped reinvigorate our ads, increasing ROAS dramatically, with one of which still employed to this day!

Blaze Chief Operating Officer

Ashley B.
Ashley B.


"When you sign up to work with Shannon, you're not just going to get super smart, strategic business marketing support, you're also gaining an incredibly positive and creative business partner. Shannon is committed to helping you build your business and brand, and she does this through her unwavering dedication to getting you real traction and meaningful results. Her advice is sound and rooted in years of experience in e-commerce marketing and business strategy, and most importantly, it comes from a truly reliable partner who will work as tirelessly as she would if it were her own business!"

Dawn W.
Dawn W.

Smart Mom Gig

"Shannon is an absolute professional. She knows exactly what she's doing and has all of the resources in place to execute quickly and she does so with passion. The most impressive thing as a business owner was that Shannon worked with me as if my company was her own. Her guidance and strategy were always completely aligned with my vision. And she didn't mind training me in a field I knew nothing about. She coached me along as to the best ways to execute. She always invented creative ways to reach my goals and more than once she saved me from making costly mistakes. She's a true business partner. One of the best I've ever had!"

Vicky G.
Vicky G.

The Nextdoor Goddess

"Shannon was introduced to me via word of mouth and I'm forever grateful to the friend who did this introduction. She is bliss to work with, knowledgeable, with cutting-edge marketing skills, and can adapt her strategy to your level of business. Her flexibility is truly remarkable. What makes Shannon so special is that she won't just work for you, she will listen to you, lean into your vision, and work with you. She pours love on your company-not merely knowledge, and that made all the difference".

Ready to fix your business and get on with the good part?

Then, let's do this!

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